Piping foot

  • Piping foot in 3 mm and 5 mm diameter
  • With specially designed guide groove for precise guidance of piping.
  • Ensures clean and durable results when sewing in piping.

Item Numbers

  • B5002-03A-C: B5002-02A-C
  • B5002-03A-C: B5002-03A-C

Compatible Machines

Acclaim | enlighten | enspire | Victory


Sewing feet

The piping foot is available with a diameter of 3 and 5 mm. It has a specially incorporated guide groove on the underside of the foot, which guides the piping precisely. You can use it to create your own piping or sew in a ready-made piping. The advantage is that the fabric edges are trimmed and neatened when the piping is sewn in.

Werbeagentur DresdenWerbeagentur Dresdenbetreut von der |Feuerpanda GmbH |Design & Technik || www.feuerpanda.de