Single Downturn Feller

Evenly folding and sewing straight fabric edges for a professional finish

Zubehör baby lock Coverstich-Coverlock-Nähmaschine - Einzelumschlager

Item Numbers

  • 5/8“ = 15,875 mm: B0421S08A
  • 1“ = 25,4 mm: B0421S09A
  • 1/4“ = 6,35 mm: B0421S10A

Compatible Machines

Aspire | desire3 | Gloria | Ovation | cover stitch | Euphoria | Primo



Straight fabric edges can be easily folded over and sewn down evenly with the help of the single downturn feller. Based on industrial practices, it makes folding and sewing long straight lengths easy (e.g. curtains or similar). With the single turn-over or fold, an even and attractive result is achieved in one step.

This attachment is available in the following sizes, which allow different fold widths:

  • ⅝”= approx. 16 mm
  • 1”= approx. 25 mm
  • ¼”= approx. 6 mm
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