Tape guide

  • Keeps tape exact distance to the fabric edge
  • Sews on tapes in a straight line
Zubehör baby lock Coverstich-Coverlock-Nähmaschine - Bandführung

Item Number


Compatible Machines

Aspire | desire3 | Gloria | Ovation | cover stitch | Euphoria | Primo



The tape guide, which can be adjusted up to a width of 60 mm, maintains an exact distance from the edge of the fabric. It can be used to sew on ribbons, tapes and braids, up to 6 centimetres wide, in a straight line. You can experiment with different widths and variations of the tape guide to give you the desired effect.

Werbeagentur DresdenWerbeagentur Dresdenbetreut von der |Feuerpanda GmbH |Design & Technik || www.feuerpanda.de